With a Torrid credit card, you can effortlessly and quickly pay off credit card bills online. You can arrange payments up to 30 days in advance with Comenity Bank. Follow these steps to set up online payments:
To apply for a credit card, go to the Torrid credit card website. Select "Register" from the list of available options. The last four digits of your Social Security Number, your ZIP code, and the account numbers for your credit cards are the first items you'll need.
When logging into your Torrid account with your login information, enter your bank account and routing number. Having a checking account is required. Torrid is not equipped to accept debit card payments.
Source: https://www.accountiod.com/torrid-credit-card/
To apply for a credit card, go to the Torrid credit card website. Select "Register" from the list of available options. The last four digits of your Social Security Number, your ZIP code, and the account numbers for your credit cards are the first items you'll need.
When logging into your Torrid account with your login information, enter your bank account and routing number. Having a checking account is required. Torrid is not equipped to accept debit card payments.
Source: https://www.accountiod.com/torrid-credit-card/