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How Does Fildena Extra Power 150 Tablet Works?


New Member
Fildena Extra Power 150 contains the active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate. It uses the Sildenafil Citrate in the powerful composition of 150 mg. Sildenafil Citrate is a PDE-5 inhibitor that works by relaxing the muscles, tissues, and blood vessels around the pelvic area of the body.

It dilates the blood vessels and removes the clogged arteries which result in the free flow of blood. Sildenafil Citrate also counters the PDE-5 enzyme and increases the level of cGMP while increasing the nitric oxide inside the genitals. This enables smooth blood flow into the penis. As a result, the penis gets filled with blood which makes it erect and hard for a longer duration than usual. It allows you to satisfy your intimate moments with your partner by allowing you to last longer during sexual activity.