• Ban Quản Trị cộng đồng Yeuthucung.com xin gửi lời chúc mừng năm mới 2020 đến toàn thể các bạn & gia đình, cùng nhau đón một năm thành công, thịnh vượng, hạnh phúc.

What New Year's nail design is best to choose?


Red is the color of passion and energy, making it an ideal choice for a New Year's nail design. Go bold with a classic red manicure or spice it up with intricate patterns, such as chevrons, polka dots, or even a subtle ombré effect. Red nails are a timeless choice that symbolizes confidence and strength.


New Member
White is often associated with purity, new beginnings, and a blank canvas waiting to be filled with endless possibilities. Choosing white nails for your New Year's manicure is a symbolic way to embrace a fresh start and welcome the opportunities that the coming year holds.