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Lock Pick Guns: How They Work and How to Use Them


New Member
Lock pick guns are an essential tool in the arsenal of any professional locksmith or hobbyist lock picker. These devices are designed to quickly and easily open many types of pin-tumbler locks, making them a go-to option for those who need to gain access to a locked space. In this guide, we'll explain how lock pick guns work, and how to use them to open a variety of locks.

What is a Lock Pick Gun?
A lock pick gun is a specialized tool designed to quickly and easily pick a variety of pin-tumbler locks. The gun itself is a small, handheld device that uses a spring-loaded mechanism to quickly press a series of needles or pins up against the lock's pins. When the needles are pressed against the pins, they cause the pins to momentarily rise, creating a gap between the lock's cylinder and the housing. This gap allows the lock to be easily turned, opening the lock.

How to Use a Lock Pick Gun
Using a lock pick gun is a simple process, but it does require some practice and finesse. Here's a step-by-step guide to using a lock pick gun:

Choose the Right Pick Gun
There are many types of lock pick guns available, and it's important to choose the right one for the lock you're trying to pick. Look for a gun that's specifically designed to pick the type of lock you're working on.

Insert the Tension Wrench
Before you begin using the lock pick gun, insert the tension wrench into the lock's keyway. This will help create tension in the lock's cylinder, making it easier to turn the lock.

Insert the Lock Pick Gun
Insert the lock pick gun into the lock's keyway, and position the needles so that they're touching the lock's pins.

Pull the Trigger
Once the lock pick gun is inserted, pull the trigger to activate the spring-loaded mechanism. This will cause the needles to press against the lock's pins, causing them to momentarily rise.

Turn the Lock
With the lock pick gun still inserted, use the tension wrench to turn the lock. If you've successfully raised the pins with the gun, the lock should turn easily, opening the lock.

Tips for Using a Lock Pick Gun

Practice makes perfect: Lock pick guns require practice to master, so be patient and keep practicing.
Use the right amount of tension: Too much tension on the tension wrench can make it harder to turn the lock, while too little tension can cause the lock pick gun to fail.
Use the right gun for the job: Different lock pick guns are designed to pick different types of locks, so choose the right one for the job.
Be gentle: Don't use too much force when using a lock pick gun. This can damage the lock or the gun itself.

Lock pick guns are a valuable tool for professional locksmiths and hobbyists alike. While they require some practice to master, they offer a quick and efficient way to open many types of pin-tumbler locks. With the right tools and some patience, anyone can learn to use a lock pick gun effectively.

If you're looking to get started with lock picking as a hobby or for work you will find everything you need at lockpickmall.com. If you're choosing a gift for someone who has an interest in learning lock picking you can’t go wrong with any of the sets below. These are all professional lock pick sets. All have been tumble polished smooth and can be used right out of the box. Every set will also have the necessary tension wrenches so you can start picking locks immediately.