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Self-government Lifetime


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On July 4 the Americans extol their native break — Autonomy Day. The Pooled States gained sovereignty as a upshot of gentle and painful process.

Sooner than the mid 1700's, it became difficult in compensation thirteen British colonies in the Further Community to be ruled by a crowned head 3000 miles across the ocean. The British empire imposed outrageous taxes upon the colonies.
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In 1774, the First Continental Congress drew up a inventory of grievances against the British crown. This document was the at the outset outline of the document that would formally closed off colonies from England.
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In 1775, the New War began. On July 2, 1776, the Subordinate Continental Congress presented a other letter of credit of the list of grievances. On July 4, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of independence. But the In dispute of sovereignty lasted until 1783. After the war Independence Age became an legal holiday.
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On July 4, Americans have festival from work. People get day-long picnics with pet foods like blistering dogs, ham-burgers, potato salad, baked beans. Busy music is heard everywhere. People play baseball or compete at three-legged races or pie-eating or water-melon-eating contests.
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Some cities have parades with people dressed as the autochthonous founding fathers who procession to the music of high school bands. In the evening people stockpile to see firework displays.

Wherever Americans are yon the globe they determination take together to celebrate Autarchy Day.

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