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As they are no longer necessary, and also, are seen in a much more objective light, taking responsibility for them, and accepting the behavioral approach to begin to change them is a much easier process. Additionally, in understanding that it is these underlying psychological patterns that are the framework from which the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings are determined, the weight loss camp, also provides understanding for the behavioral training that will be used to address these behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Therefore in understanding how this behavioral training will work, the acceptance of it is fostered.
As they are no longer necessary, and also, are seen in a much more objective light, taking responsibility for them, and accepting the behavioral approach to begin to change them is a much easier process. Additionally, in understanding that it is these underlying psychological patterns that are the framework from which the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings are determined, the weight loss camp, also provides understanding for the behavioral training that will be used to address these behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Therefore in understanding how this behavioral training will work, the acceptance of it is fostered.